The first step to finding greater happiness and peace is in realizing that you have a choice. Without directing your mind and attention to that which creates happiness and peace, you will unintentionally follow a course of action that most people take which results in stress, pain, worry, anger, and an overabundance of negative emotions and mental stress which rule their lives. No matter how the outside world is affecting you, take a conscious control over your mind.
Meet the conscious you
What does being conscious of your own mind mean? No matter what you are thinking there is a part of you that is observing your thoughts. Even now you are watching your thoughts as you read these words.
While there is the mechanical process of discerning what these words mean, there is another part of you that is watching or witnessing the thought process going on in your head. Your consciousness is what is witnessing these thought processes and indeed all of your life experiences.
Your life as a movie
Witnessing enables you to be less attached and more objective in your perception and responses to daily life. For example, if you are watching a movie that scares or is upsets you, sit back and tell yourself that you are simply watching a movie and this brings you back to a more peaceful frame of mind. Similarly, when you observe the thoughts and emotions going on in your mind as a conscious `witness' or watcher, you are able to look at these emotional and mental states from a place of inner peace - your natural state. From this place you can gain greater perspective, clarity and insight, and less emotional attachment, which naturally reduces the tension that often accompanies these life experiences.
So, step back from your mind and observe what you are thinking and feeling as the witness, and live in that virtual state of peace which is your own perception.
Understanding yourself
Sweet is the song that is deep-rooted in silence. True is the prayer that is founded in compassion, strong is the heart that beats for the weak and determined is the mind that bends to win the smile of a child. As you walk along the sea of change, hold the conch of wisdom to your ear, you will hear the resonance of Truth. Truth that is unaltered by emotions, unscathed by pain, untouched by greed.
Truth, that is supreme, Truth that unites us with Nature!
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